Friday, December 3, 2010

'Tis The Season Blog Hop

Welcome to the " 'Tis The Season Blog Hop".  If you came here from my friend Heather's blog then you are in the right place.  If you just happened to stop by my blog and would like to follow the blog hop then go to the start at Iva's blog .

My project is tile coasters.  I went to Home Depot and bought a box of 4 x 4" tumbled marble tiles.  I stamped on them using Staz-On ink.  You do not need to do anything to these tiles to seal them. 

On the tiles below I coloured them with Sharpie permanent markers.  These tiles I did put in the oven at 200 F, for an hour.  They probably don't need to be in there that long but I had them in there while I was doing other things.
After I had made these my husband the handyman decided that they needed a holder.  So he made me these to go with each set of 4 coasters.
I wrapped a ribbon around them tied a bow and added a tag cut from Tags, Bags, Boxes and More.
 My giveaway for this blog hop is these two adorable Peachy Keen Mini stamps.  To be eligible to win you just have to follow my blog and leave a comment.  I will be using to pick a winner on Monday morning. 
The next stop on this blog hop is Ellen at .

Thanks for stopping by.
Kerry--Momma K


1 ScrappyHeartz said...

OH my!! Love this project!! Have you tried vinyl on them? Wonder how that would stick? I can't wait to try this! TFS!!!
Debbie Chapman

2 Monica said...

You made it sound so easy!
It looks great and your hubby helped as well.
Glad to be on the hop with ya!

Happy Scrappn!

3 Heather said...

Kerry, these are INCREDIBLE! What a great gift. You rock, girlfriend.


4 abusybee - DoubleClick Connections said...

These are such a great idea! What a fun gift idea!

5 Cathie w said...

great gift idea thanks for shairing


6 Heather said...

Your coasters are awesome! I made some of these last weekend too! So cool!
ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com

7 Mrs.Debbie said...

Love your coasters great gift ideas tfs

Hugs Debbie

8 Amanda Finamore said...

Very nice momma !!!

Love your fav daughter!!!

Anonymous said...

Great project!!! I will definately have to try that!!

Thanks for sharing!!

the other Karey

10 Josie0602 said...

Love the coasters and I love your blog!

jtg0398 at sbcglobal dot net

11 jennyplace2 said...

Once again such a great project, anyone would love to recieve this as a gift!

I am already a follower

12 Unknown said...

What a great project!! I love them!!!

13 kathlee said...

Brilliant! Absolutley love them. TFS! Happy Holidays!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, I am soo excited, I don't know why but I think it's because this is incrediablly cleaver and beyod talented. Thank you for sharing! This project is one I will definatly tell people about and now that I am a follower I can come back to your blog to show them!
Contact Info: In case I get the chance to win the amazing blog candy! Happy Holiday's!

15 Wende said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
16 Wende said...

Sorry really bad typos!!! Great idea to color with Sharpies! Thanks.

17 Cherylann's "Outta-My-Mind " said...

This is a great gift for anyone. I just love PKS.
Cherylann (prinkles)

18 Tanya said...

OMG.. AWESOME!!! Such a great gift idea! Thanks for sharing!!!

hugs, Tanya

19 Pauletta said...

What a nice gift idea. Those look really nice. Thanks for sharing.

20 SpantastiKreations said...

What an awesome little gift. So cool and kudos to your hubbs for making a holder for them.


21 jenni said...

What a fabulous idea, I love it! I am going to have to do some for my MIL and ME!

22 Laura said...

Amazing!!! I am going to have to try this... have to coasters.. just need to try it...

23 Da Shawnna said...

Wow! Such a great project!! And these have a special place in my crafty heart since you used Sharpies (a complete addiction on mine!)! Love it!

24 stefeni said...

These are soo beautiful! I am so glad I stumbled upon your blog! I am coming back for more great ideas!

spunkycrayon at yahoo dot com

25 Anna said...

Oh thank you for sharing this. I brought some tiles at a yard sale this summer and was wondering what to do with them Just Awesome!!!
Thanks for the chance to win. Love PK stamps.
annadowdy at gmail dot com

26 De said...

Kerry these are lovely.... and a lovely job done too by handyman husband!
de dot mamacrystal74 at gmail dot com

27 Unknown said...

Love this project! What a wonderful have very lucky people in your life! And your blog is wonderful. I'm a follower, and I love reading about and looking at all your creative ideas! Check out the 24 Days of Cards I'm currently doing at A new card idea every day until December 24 (and one on December 26!) Thanks again for the fun hop!

28 Theresa said...

Beautiful..and what a great gift these would make. It was so sweet of your hubs to step in and help too:)

29 Perfectly Unperfect Cards said...

I love the idea, and I love the giveaway, thanks so much for the chance to win.

perfectlyunperfectcards at gmail dot com

30 Amee said...

fantastic gift idea!!! Love it!!!

31 ~ Kendra ~ said...

Love your tiles! Great idea! TFS!


j_k_sand at yahoo dot com

32 Nadia's Beautiful Mess said...

I love the pattern on your tiles! What a fabulous idea!


33 Lillian Child said...

Love how these coasters turned out - what a lovely gift idea!

34 Trisha said...

Great coasters and what a talented husband. TFS

35 kathlee said...

Back for day 2! Happy Holidays!

36 Scrappers' Ranch said...

OMG! These are freaking cool! I want, no, MUST make some!!!!
I am a new follower of your blog, cant wait to see more amazing projects!
TFS and a chance to win
Bonnie C
ascrapabove at aol dot com

37 Barbara said...

Clompetely different from everything that I have seen so far. I love it!! Thank you for sharing!

38 Susan L said...

These are great!! And what a wonderful hubby. I am also a follower :)

Happy Scrappin'

Sue B

39 sucor said...

What a great gift idea, and to color them with sharpies too! Thanks for sharing! I am already a follower.
Suzanne sucor_2 at

40 gocanucksgo said...

Fantastic looking coasters! I love that your hubby helped with the project as well lol. Great team work =)

41 Cricut Matriarch said...

OMG these are absolutely gorgeous!

Thank you for sharing!

42 silvia said...

Great coasters!! LOVE that your hubby made a holder for them

43 scrappydappydoodler said...

Those are so cool! They would make a great neighbor gift.

44 Vickie said...

Those coaster are so wonderful! That would be an awesome house warming gift!

45 The Cropping Canuck said...

Great coasters!

46 jandokan said...

Your tile coasters are amazing...
just love them :D
I'm a follower now!!
Thanks for the chance of winning those super cute stamps!
Hugs Anja