Monday, December 27, 2010

Amazing Christmas Gifts

I hope you all had a great Christmas and that Santa was good to you.  I can't wait to see what everyone creates with their new supplies.  I was so spoiled this Christmas by all of my family.  I am so excited to play with my new Gypsy and cartridges, that my DH gave me.  Don't you just love the card rack my DD got me.  We were out shopping together when we found it and they only had two so we bought each other one.  Also on Boxing Day we did our Christmas with my Step-daughter and I got a printer.  I also went out shopping on Boxing Day and whenever I go into Wal-Mart I go straight to the craft section and the first thing I saw was the Jolly Holidays cartridge that I have been drooling over, so I grabbed it.  We went to Michael's and I got a few Jet Max cubes to try and organize my craft room.  I am back to work tomorrow but as soon as I get it reorganized I will post photos.

**Just to let you know the card rack/display stand is from Home Sense in Canada, it is a division of Marshall's and TJ Maxx.**

                                                              Have a Happy New Year!

Kerry--Momma K


1 girlia said...

New Toys are the best. Love the card rack/holder

2 Cricut Matriarch said...

WOW! You are truly loved (and spolied) by Santa and your family! Love all the goodies and can't wait to see wht aswesome things you create!

3 abusybee - DoubleClick Connections said...

Awesome haul! Love the card holder!

4 Georgiana said...

So many wonderful goodies! Please tell me more about Boxing Day. I have seen it mentioned before, but I still do not know what it is about (besides a Canadian holiday). Share!

Happy New Year,

5 Debbie said...

wow you are very spoiled, I too had a great Christmas I got my laptop and more I will post pics soon, may I ask where did u find the card rack/holder I would love to get one, but I have no idea where to even look? thanks Debbie

6 katsbouquets said...

Nice you were very blessed I got a few of those things not for Christmas I just always buy something even if I'm broke ! Love love love vinyl just learned how to release with painters tape or contact paper can't wait to become an expert! Been studying!

7 Norma said...

OMG!!! I'm drooling over your goodies LOL!!!! Love the card holder where did you say you got it? i can't wait to see what you create with all those yummy goodies:)

8 Jeanne said...

Love the card rack!! Looks like you had a fantastic Christmas!

9 VICTORIA said...

wow a lot of nice things you got for christmas as we can see you weren't naughty this past year. I like the card rack right now my cards are in a box.

10 Kristen said...

Santa really does love you! Have fun playing with all of your new toys!