Monday, May 30, 2011

Custom Crops and Michael's Hauls

The first photo is my most recent order from Custom Crops.  It consists of the new Father's Day Limited Edition cricut cartridge.  I love the recliner cut on this cartridge.  Next is the Classic scalloped ovals large.  I have been looking for the large scalloped ovals for awhile.  I already have the small set.  The final item is my new favourite thing, Stardust Gelly Roll glitter pens.  They are awesome.
 The second photo is my Michael's purchase.  I bought the dress form which is also one of my favourite things lately.  I have bought a couple of dress form stamps.  I am going to paint it purple.  I picked up the purple 12 x 12 tote for my scrapbook layouts and 2 other 12 x 12 boxes for storage.  I asked my husband for an Expedite shelf from Ikea for our anniversary next month, so these are some things for decorating it.  I am also in a Canada blog hop on July 1st, and I picked up a few things for my project.
Thanks for stopping by.

Kerry~Momma K


1 Kathy said...

Looks like you've done some fun shopping! Love the dress form! I've got many in my craft space, but I didn't know that Michael's had some. Maybe I should check them out. Thanks!

2 Tara said...

Wow I love that you are already ahead of the game and getting things ready for July 1 lol

3 Heather said...

Looking forward to seeing what you make with your "haul". And I still say I am coming to play sometime in your scrap space.

Hugs, Heather

Anonymous said...

NIce... haul...

thanks for visiting my blog ...and comment on my messy room.. you mention seen more of my room.. there is a tab that reads scraproom on my blog click and you will see more pictures and a video tour of it..


Ivette Latin Scrap Diva