Sunday, March 20, 2011

Vinyl Wall Decor

Sorry I haven't posted much lately, I am moving my craft room.  I was in a 14 x 16 bedroom in the basement ( I know I am very lucky to have that area).  I am now taking over the family room which is probably about 14 x 20.  I am trying to get it all organized and I have things everywhere right now.    I did this project in the middle of all the chaos.  Everything will be in place soon and I am looking forward to crafting.
I have been wanting to do some vinyl wall decor for my bathroom for awhile now but I wasn't sure what to do.  I searched some websites that sell vinyl lettering for some ideas and this is what I came up with.  I used my gypsy to lay everything out.  I used a 12 x 24 mat which was the perfect size for the area I had.  I wanted something wide because the window is centered but the toilet isn't so smaller pictures that I tried to put there didn't look right.

Thanks for stopping by.

Kerry~Momma K


1 Unknown said...

Very cute!! I think I've just been inspired to do some vinyl in my bathroom. I redid my bathroom last year and the walls are still bare.


2 Nadia's Beautiful Mess said...

i love that sign! It is so adorable! i hope you post pictures of your new craft room! would love to see it!

3 *Star said...

This is so cute! I'm in the middle of designing a vinyl sign to go on the mirror in my kids' bathroom. You have inspired me to pick up my Gypsy and finally finish designing it. :)
Tfs and have a great day.

4 Sarah said...

Very cool! Looks great.

5 abusybee - DoubleClick Connections said...

This came out great! I hope you plan on showing photos of your craft space! Us busy-bodies like to see!!

6 Unknown said...

I haven't used my Cricut for vinyl yet but I want to do something for my laundry area. Oh, and I LOVE the green bathroom! I am a huge fan of color around the house :) and I love green :)

7 girlia said...

Very nice