Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Blog Awards

I have received a few blog awards recently but haven't had the time to post them.  I really appreciate these awards and I am thrilled that people actually stop by my blog and like what I am making.  Thank you ladies.

I have received the My Blog Has Attitude Blog Award from http://www.creationsbymommy.com/ .

To qualify for the $5.00 Digi's 'With Attitude!' Gift Certificate you must state 3 things that makes you different from everyone else, then nominate 5 blogs and let those 5 blogs know you've nominated them. Lastly, you must display the Blog Award Badge in your sidebar and link it back to the Digi's with Attitude
Here are three things that make me different:
 1.  I'm not really very creative but I seem to have you fooled.
 2.  I don't Twitter, text, or carry my phone everywhere I go.  (Well actually I do have my phone in my purse but I keep forgetting to put minutes on it.)
 3.  I don't like fancy flavoured coffee.  No Mocha Latte Cappicino/Frappicino blah blah blah.  Just plain old Double Double(two cream & two sugar for my non-Canadian readers) from Tim Horton's.   

I would like to pass this award along to the following awesome bloggers.

Heather at http://princesspaperprojects.blogspot.com/ (my blogger BFF)
Faith at http://faith-abigaildesigns.blogspot.com/ (She make the most amazing scrapbook layouts)
Carri at http://doubleclickconnections.blogspot.com/  (Our birthday is the same day)
Diana at http://dianasdesignsblog.blogspot.com/ (She doesn't know it but I have been following her since I got my cricut almost 2 years ago)
Melissa at http://www.adventuresinheels.com/ (I can't wait to see pictures of her new craft area)

I also received a Stylish Blogger Award from Brandi at  http://scrappybrandi.blogspot.com/ (She does beautiful work) and http://auds-n-ends.blogspot.com/ ( a new blogger stop by and check her out)

When you receive this award you are suppose to #1, thank and link back to the person (or people) who awarded it to you, #2. Share 8 things about yourself, #3 pay it forward to 8 bloggers that you have recently discovered, and #4, contact those bloggers and tell them about their awards :)
So 8 things about me:
1.  I now own 68 cartridges with 1 more on the way.
2.  I hate winter.
3.  My brother is moving home in April after living in Vietnam for almost 4 years and teaching.
4.  I moved to Canada from England when I was almost 10 yrs old.
5.  We are finally getting a Michael's in our city and I can't wait.
6.  It makes my day to see comments and new followers on my blog.
7.  The first thing I do when I get up in the morning is check Facebook.
8.  I love doing laundry but hate doing dishes.

I am passing this award along to:

Thank you so much to these awesome ladies, make sure you check them out.

Thanks for stopping by.

~Kerry~Momma K~


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the Stylish Blogger award =) That is very sweet of you! Congrats on your awards! You deserve them!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the stylish blogger award! I was reading through your 8 things about you and I hate winter too. You are going to LOVE michaels!

3 girlia said...


4 abusybee - DoubleClick Connections said...

Congrats on your awards! Thanks for passing this along to me! :)

5 Tracy said...

Congrats on the blog awards.
Thank you for passing it on to me :)
I check facebook every morning as well, but I dont' care for cell phones, I don't twit and my daughter just taught me how to text, faster to make a phone call in my opinion.