Saturday, October 23, 2010

And the Winner is...

I want to thank all of you so much for all the wonderful comments and all of your support. I really appreciate your words of encouragement.

The winner was picked by

and the winner is #17

Melissa said...
Over 200 followers and 10K hits since February? WOW! Congratulations!I'm already a follower and I appreciate you giving me the chance to win!
Congratulations Melissa! Send me an email at kerrysmith at rogers dot com with your address.


1 Melissa said...

Now it's letting me leave a comment! I tried a little bit ago and it wouldn't let me!

Thank you so much Kerry!! I just sent you and email a little bit ago! So super sweet of you and congratulations again on reaching 200 followers and 10,000 hits so fast!

2 Beebeebabs said...
